274 research outputs found

    Герменевтика моралі у становленні ідеї права: проекції Старого Завіту і християнства

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    У статті розглядається проблема становлення ідеї права в контексті іудео-християнської традиції світосприйняття: аналізується конкретизація постанов іудаїзму і християнства в сфері морально-етичного комплексу, з'ясовуються домінанти його змістовного наповнення відповідно до процесу осмислення ідеї права. Розглядається символізм текстів Старого й Нового Завітів, що породжує різноакцентованість у полі їх тлумачення та площині взаємозв'язку розуміння соціального призначення моралі і права. Розмежування моралі й права простежується на основі процесу розрізнення понять «гріха» і «злочину», але фіксується як на право покладається завдання інтерпретації, формалізації й закріплення всієї системи вимог етичного характеру з їх подальшою конкретизацією в законі.В статье рассматривается проблема становления идеи права в контексте иудео-христианской традиции мировос-приятия: анализируется конкретизация постановлений иудаизма и христианства в сфере морально-этического комплекса, выясняются доминанты его смыслового наполнения соответственно процессу осмысления идеи права. Рассматривается символизм текстов Старого и Нового Заветов, который порождает разноакцентированность в поле их тол-кования и плоскости взаимосвязи понимания социального назначения морали и права. Размежевание морали и права прослеживается на основе процесса различения понятий «греха» и «преступления», но фиксируется как на право возлагается задание интерпретации, формализации и закрепления всей системы требований этического характера с их дальнейшей конкретизацией в законе.The authors of this article views problem of forming the idea of law within the meaning of Jewish-Christian tradition. In this research analysed the concretisation of Jewish and Christian postulates at the area of moral and ethics complex. Dominants of contextual substanse is determined according to the passes of interpretation the idea of law. Underlines the symbolism of texts of Old and New Testament, which generates heterogeneous interpreting and field correlation in understanding of social appointment of moral and law. Delimitation of moral and law follows the process of delimitation conceptions «the sin» and «the crime». At the end the author made the conclusion that law has function to interpretation, formalization and fixing by the the forse of state, whole system of requirements of ethics, their further concretisation in law

    Elucidating Fibroblast Growth Factor-induced kinome dynamics using targeted mass spectrometry and dynamic modeling

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    Fibroblast growth factors (FGFs) are paracrine or endocrine signaling proteins that, activated by their ligands, elicit a wide range of health and disease-related processes, such as cell proliferation and the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition. The detailed molecular pathway dynamics that coordinate these responses have remained to be determined. To elucidate these, we stimulated MCF-7 breast cancer cells with either FGF2, FGF3, FGF4, FGF10, or FGF19. Following activation of the receptor, we quantified the kinase activity dynamics of 44 kinases using a targeted mass spectrometry assay. Our system-wide kinase activity data, supplemented with (phospho)proteomics data, reveal ligand-dependent distinct pathway dynamics, elucidate the involvement of not earlier reported kinases such as MARK, and revise some of the pathway effects on biological outcomes. In addition, logic-based dynamic modeling of the kinome dynamics further verifies the biological goodness-of-fit of the predicted models and reveals BRAF-driven activation upon FGF2 treatment and ARAF-driven activation upon FGF4 treatment

    Справа Івана Дзюби

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    У статті автор, використовуючи документи Галузевого державного архіву СБ України, досліджує постать видатного літературознавця, громадського діяча Івана Дзюби у контексті боротьби співробітників органів держбезпеки УРСР з «українським буржуазним націоналізмом».В статье автор, используя документы Отраслевого государственного архива СБ Украины, исследует личность выдающегося литературоведа, общественного деятеля Ивана Дзюбы в контексте борьбы сотрудников органов госбезопасности УССР с «украинским буржуазным национализмом».Using the documents of State branch archive of State Security of Ukraine, the author investigates the personality of Ivan Dzyuba during the struggle of KGB of the UkSSR against the «Ukrainian bourgeois nationalism»

    О нижней оценке для одной квадратичной задачи намногообразии Штифеля

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    Despite technological advances in metabolomics, large parts of the human metabolome are still unexplored. In an untargeted metabolomics screen aiming to identify substrates of the orphan transporter ATP-binding cassette subfamily C member 5 (ABCC5), we identified a class of mammalian metabolites, N-lactoyl-amino acids. Using parallel protein fractionation in conjunction with shotgun proteomics on fractions containing N-lactoyl-Phe-forming activity, we unexpectedly found that a protease, cytosolic nonspecific dipeptidase 2 (CNDP2), catalyzes their formation. N-lactoyl-amino acids are ubiquitous pseudodipeptides of lactic acid and amino acids that are rapidly formed by reverse proteolysis, a process previously considered to be negligible in vivo. The plasma levels of these metabolites strongly correlate with plasma levels of lactate and amino acid, as shown by increased levels after physical exercise and in patients with phenylketonuria who suffer from elevated Phe levels. Our approach to identify unknown metabolites and their biosynthesis has general applicability in the further exploration of the human metabolome

    Эксплуатационные показатели качества транспортной телекоммуникационной первичной сети Украины

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    Приведены статистические данные о количестве, причинах и характере повреждений подземных волоконно-оптических линий связи, которые являются основой транспортной телекоммуникационной первичной сети на примере Донецкой и Луганской областей за период с 2001 по 2010 годы. Сравнение значений этих характеристик со значениями аналогичных параметров за 2001—2005 гг. позволяет разработать рекомендации по повышению надежности телекоммуникационных сетей.В роботі наведено статистичні дані про кількість, причини та характер пошкоджень підземних волоконно-оптичних ліній зв’язку, які є основою транспортної телекомунікаційної первинної мережі, на прикладі Донецької та Луганської областей за період з 2001 по 2010 рр. Порівняння значень цих характеристик із значеннями аналогічних характеристик за 2001—2005 рр. дозволяє розробити рекомендації по підвищенню надійності телекомунікаціїйних мереж.The paper presents statistical data on the number, nature and causes of the damage to underground fiber-optic communication lines, on which the transport telecommunication primary network is based, using an example of Donetsk and Lugansk regions for the period between 2001 and 2010. Comparison of these characteristics with the values of similar parameters over 2001—2005 allows to develop recommendations for the improvement of the reliability of telecommunication networks

    Сутність і теоретичні підходи до аналізу фінансової нестабільності

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    У статті розкрито сутність поняття «фінансова нестабільність». Розглянуто найбільш поширені в науковій літературі визначення фінансової нестабільності. Досліджено різні теоретичні підходи до аналізу виникнення явища фінансової нестабільності.В статье раскрыта сущность понятия «финансовая нестабильность». Рассмотрены наиболее распространенные в научной литературе определения финансовой нестабильности. Исследованы различные теоретические подходы к анализу возникновения явления финансовой нестабильности.The article reveals the essence of the concept of financial instability. The most popular definitions of financial instability in the scientific literature are considered. Various theoretical approaches of the phenomenon of financial instability are investigated

    Ubiquitinome Profiling Reveals <i>in Vivo</i> UBE2D3 Targets and Implicates UBE2D3 in Protein Quality Control

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    Ubiquitination has crucial roles in many cellular processes, and dysregulation of ubiquitin machinery enzymes can result in various forms of pathogenesis. Cells only have a limited set of ubiquitin-conjugating (E2) enzymes to support the ubiquitination of many cellular targets. As individual E2 enzymes have many different substrates and interactions between E2 enzymes and their substrates can be transient, it is challenging to define all in vivo substrates of an individual E2 and the cellular processes it affects. Particularly challenging in this respect is UBE2D3, an E2 enzyme with promiscuous activity in vitro but less defined roles in vivo. Here, we set out to identify in vivo targets of UBE2D3 by using stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture–based and label-free quantitative ubiquitin diGly proteomics to study global proteome and ubiquitinome changes associated with UBE2D3 depletion. UBE2D3 depletion changed the global proteome, with the levels of proteins from metabolic pathways, in particular retinol metabolism, being the most affected. However, the impact of UBE2D3 depletion on the ubiquitinome was much more prominent. Interestingly, molecular pathways related to mRNA translation were the most affected. Indeed, we find that ubiquitination of the ribosomal proteins RPS10 and RPS20, critical for ribosome-associated protein quality control, is dependent on UBE2D3. We show by Targets of Ubiquitin Ligases Identified by Proteomics 2 methodology that RPS10 and RPS20 are direct targets of UBE2D3 and demonstrate that the catalytic activity of UBE2D3 is required to ubiquitinate RPS10 in vivo. In addition, our data suggest that UBE2D3 acts at multiple levels in autophagic protein quality control. Collectively, our findings show that depletion of an E2 enzyme in combination with quantitative diGly-based ubiquitinome profiling is a powerful tool to identify new in vivo E2 substrates, as we have done here for UBE2D3. Our work provides an important resource for further studies on the in vivo functions of UBE2D3.Dutch Ministry of Health KWF-NKI2012- 5305Dutch Cancer Society 11369/2017-

    Cultivation of Podospora anserina on soybean hulls results in an efficient enzyme cocktail for plant biomass hydrolysis

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    The coprophilic ascomycete fungus Podospora anserina was cultivated on three different plant biomasses, i.e. cotton seed hulls (CSH), soybean hulls (SBH) and acid-pretreated wheat straw (WS) for four days, and the potential of the produced enzyme mixtures was compared in the enzymatic saccharification of the corresponding lignocellulose feedstocks. The enzyme cocktail P. anserina produced after three days of growth on SBH showed superior capacity to release reducing sugars from all tested plant biomass feedstocks compared to the enzyme mixtures from CSH and WS cultures. Detailed proteomics analysis of the culture supernatants revealed that SBH contained the most diverse set of enzymes targeted on plant cell wall polymers and was particularly abundant in xylan, mannan and pectin acting enzymes. The importance of lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) in plant biomass deconstruction was supported by identification of 20 out of 33 AA9 LPMOs in the SBH cultures. The results highlight the suitability of P. anserina as a source of plant cell wall degrading enzymes for biotechnological applications and the importance of selecting the most optimal substrate for the production of enzyme mixtures. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    BBLN-1 is essential for intermediate filament organization and apical membrane morphology

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    Epithelial tubes are essential components of metazoan organ systems that control the flow of fluids and the exchange of materials between body compartments and the outside environment. The size and shape of the central lumen confer important characteristics to tubular organs and need to be carefully controlled. Here, we identify the small coiled-coil protein BBLN-1 as a regulator of lumen morphology in the C. elegans intestine. Loss of BBLN-1 causes the formation of bubble-shaped invaginations of the apical membrane into the cytoplasm of intestinal cells and abnormal aggregation of the subapical intermediate filament (IF) network. BBLN-1 interacts with IF proteins and localizes to the IF network in an IF-dependent manner. The appearance of invaginations is a result of the abnormal IF aggregation, indicating a direct role for the IF network in maintaining lumen homeostasis. Finally, we identify bublin (BBLN) as the mammalian ortholog of BBLN-1. When expressed in the C. elegans intestine, BBLN recapitulates the localization pattern of BBLN-1 and can compensate for the loss of BBLN-1 in early larvae. In mouse intestinal organoids, BBLN localizes subapically, together with the IF protein keratin 8. Our results therefore may have implications for understanding the role of IFs in regulating epithelial tube morphology in mammals

    The α-(1,3)-glucan synthase gene agsE impacts the secretome of Aspergillus niger

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    Aspergillus niger is widely used as a cell factory for the industrial production of enzymes. Previously, it was shown that deletion of α-1-3 glucan synthase genes results in smaller micro-colonies in liquid cultures of Aspergillus nidulans. Also, it has been shown that small wild-type Aspergillus niger micro-colonies secrete more protein than large mirco-colonies. We here assessed whether deletion of the agsC or agsE α-1-3 glucan synthase genes results in smaller A. niger micro-colonies and whether this is accompanied by a change in protein secretion. Biomass formation was not affected in the deletion strains but pH of the culture medium had changed from 5.2 in the case of the wild-type to 4.6 and 6.4 for ΔagsC and ΔagsE, respectively. The diameter of the ΔagsC micro-colonies was not affected in liquid cultures. In contrast, diameter of the ΔagsE micro-colonies was reduced from 3304 ± 338 µm to 1229 ± 113 µm. Moreover, the ΔagsE secretome was affected with 54 and 36 unique proteins with a predicted signal peptide in the culture medium of MA234.1 and the ΔagsE, respectively. Results show that these strains have complementary cellulase activity and thus may have complementary activity on plant biomass degradation. Together, α-1-3 glucan synthesis (in)directly impacts protein secretion in A. niger